VH1 (originally an initialism for Video Hits One) launched on January 1, 1985, over the channel space of Turner's Cable Music Channel. The network was originally intended to build upon the success of MTV by playing music videos aimed at a slightly older demographic. Since the 2010s, VH's programming had shifted towards Black-focused personalities and programming, before music was de-emphasized from its brand. In 2011 the first installment of the Love & Hip Hop franchise was the longest-running program.
last aired August 7th, 2012
last aired May 27th, 2003
last aired June 27th, 2012
last aired June 18th, 2012
last aired July 18th, 2012
last aired October 6th, 2012
last aired May 28th, 2012
last aired May 31st, 2013
last aired June 19th, 2013