originally aired on NBC
Ed is an American comedy-drama television series that was co-produced by David Letterman's Worldwide Pants Incorporated, NBC Productions and Viacom Productions. The hour-long comedy drama starred Tom Cavanagh as Ed Stevens, Julie Bowen as his love interest Carol Vessey, Josh Randall as his friend Dr. Mike Burton, Jana Marie Hupp as Mike's wife Nancy, Lesley Boone as their friend Molly Hudson, and Justin Long as awkward high-school student Warren Cheswick.
The show revolves around Ed Stevens, a hotshot New York lawyer who is fired from his job on the same day he is fired for drafting a contract with a misplaced comma that ended up costing his firm $1.6 million. Upon his arrival, he is reunited with friends that he has missed, as well as Carol Vessey, his high school crush.