The series centers on Alex Russo, a teenage wizard living on Waverly Place in New York City. The main themes depicted include family, friendship, and adolescence. The series ended on January 6, 2012, to allow Gomez to take on more mature roles. The Walt Disney Company developed the series to follow on from its successful line of comedy series in the 2000s. A sequel series in which Henrie and Gomez both appear premiered in October 2024.
Alex, Justin and Max Russo are three teenage wizards-in-training living in an apartment on Waverly Place in Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City. In his spare time, their father Jerry Russo, a former wizard, provides daily lessons in their secret lair on how to use magic responsibly. After completing their training, the Russo children will compete to determine which sibling will retain their powers permanently. Alex wins the family wizard competition and is awarded full magic powers, while Justin loses his abilities.