Wednesday is an American Gothic coming-of-age supernatural mystery comedy thriller television series based on the character Wednesday Addams by Charles Addams. It stars Jenna Ortega as the titular character, with Gwendoline Christie, Riki Lindhome, Jamie McShane, Hunter Doohan, Percy Hynes White, Naomi J. Ogawa, Christina Ricci, and Moosa Mostafa appearing in supporting roles. The first season of Wednesday premiered on November 16, 2022, and was released on Netflix on November 23. It received two Golden Globe nominations: Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy and Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series. In January 2023, the series was renewed for a second season.
Wednesday Addams is expelled from her school after dumping live piranhas into the school's pool in retaliation for the boys' water polo team bullying her brother Pugsley. Wednesday's cold, emotionless personality and her defiant nature make it difficult for her to connect with her schoolmates. However, she discovers she has inherited her mother's psychic abilities, which allow her to solve a local murder mystery.