United States of Al
originally aired on CBS
United States of Al is an American television sitcom created by David Goetsch and Maria Ferrari. It stars Adhir Kalyan and Parker Young, with Elizabeth Alderfer, Kelli Goss, Dean Norris, and Farrah Mackenzie in supporting roles. The series follows the friendship between Riley, a Marine combat veteran, and Awalmir (Al), an interpreter from Afghanistan who helped the former while he served in the Marines. The show's pilot received a nomination for Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Program.
The series follows the friendship between Riley, a combat veteran, and Awalmir (Al), an interpreter from Afghanistan who helped the former while he served in the Marines. As they readjust to their normal lives, Al moves in with Riley and meets his father Art. He later learns Riley is going through a divorce with his wife Vanessa, who has custody of their only daughter Hazel.