Top Cat is an American animated sitcom produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions. It aired in a weekly evening time slot from September 27, 1961, to April 18, 1962, for a single season of 30 episodes. The show was a ratings failure in prime time, but became successful upon its time on Saturday morning television. The title character, Top Cat (T.C.; voiced by Arnold Stang impersonating Phil Silvers) is the leader of a gang of Manhattan alley cats.
The title character, Top Cat (T.C.; voiced by Arnold Stang impersonating Phil Silvers) is the leader of a gang of Manhattan alley cats living in Hoagy's Alley. The gang constantly hatch get-rich-quick schemes through scams but most of them usually backfire. All episodes feature a cold open, a small scene from the episode that takes place in medias res.