The Three-Body Problem is an upcoming science fiction television series based on the novel of the same name by Liu Cixin. The series is expected to premiere on Netflix in 2023. Chinese physicist and nanomaterial researcher Wang Miao gets entangled in a vast conspiracy after state intelligence asks him to infiltrate a group known as The Frontiers of Science. Ye Wenjie is an astrophysicist, who saw her father brutally murdered during the Chinese Cultural Revolution more than forty years before the main story.
Chinese physicist and nanomaterial researcher Wang Miao gets entangled in a vast conspiracy after state intelligence asks him to infiltrate a group known as The Frontiers of Science. Ye Wenjie is an astrophysicist, who saw her father brutally murdered during the Chinese Cultural Revolution more than forty years before the main story. Wang progresses through a mysterious VR game called Three Body, which takes place on an alien world with highly irregular weather and day/night cycles.