The Suite Life of Zack & Cody aired on Disney Channel from March 18, 2005, to September 1, 2008. The series centers on Zack and Cody Martin, 12-year-old twin brothers who live in the Tipton Hotel in Boston, where their divorced mother Carey sings and performs in the hotel lounge. Other main characters include the hotel's heiress, the candy counter girl Maddie Fitzpatrick (Ashley Tisdale), the manager, Mr. Marion Moseby (Phill Lewis) and the boys' single mother Carey Martin (Kim Rhodes) The series is the third Disney Channel Original to have more than 65 episodes.
The series centers on Zack and Cody Martin, 12-year-old twin brothers who live in the luxurious Tipton Hotel in Boston. The identical twins often cause mischief at their residence. The show is often set at the hotel, but has other settings such as Zack's school, and Maddie's private school.