The Looming Tower
is a drama that originally aired on Hulu
The Looming Tower is an American television miniseries, based on Lawrence Wright's 2006 book of the same name. The 10-episode drama series was created and executive produced by Dan Futterman, Alex Gibney, and Wright. The series stars Jeff Daniels, Tahar Rahim, Wrenn Schmidt, Bill Camp, Louis Cancelmi, Virginia Kull, Ella Rae Peck, Sullivan Jones, Michael Stuhlbarg, and Peter Sarsgaard. It follows members of the I-49 Squad in New York and Alec Station in Washington, D.C., the counter-terrorism divisions of the FBI and CIA.
The Looming Tower traces the "rising threat of Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda in the late 1990s" It follows members of the I-49 Squad in New York and Alec Station in Washington, D.C., the counter-terrorism divisions of the FBI and CIA.