The Leftovers
originally aired on HBO
The Leftovers is an American supernatural drama television series that aired on HBO from June 29, 2014, to June 4, 2017. Based on Tom Perrotta's 2011 novel, the series begins three years after the "Sudden Departure", a global event that resulted in 2% of the world's population disappearing. The lives of police chief Kevin Garvey and his family, along with grieving widow Nora Durst and her brother, Reverend Matt Jamison, are the focal points of the series. The first season received mostly positive reviews, though some criticized the series for its grim tone. The series underwent a critical reevaluation during its acclaimed second and third seasons, with many critics referring to the series as one of the greatest
The Leftovers starts three years after a global event called the "Sudden Departure", the disappearance of 140 million people, 2% of the world's population, on October 14, 2011. Following that event, mainstream religions declined, and a number of cults emerged, most notably the Guilty Remnant, a group of white-clothed, chain-smoking nihilists. In the second season, the location shifts from Mapleton to the fictional town of Jarden, Texas, where not a single citizen was lost. The third and final season unfolds three years later, in 2018, starting 14 days before the seventh anniversary of the Sudden departure.