The Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town
is a comedy that originally aired on IFC
The Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town is an eight-episode Canadian dark comedy miniseries that aired on CBC Television on Tuesdays between January 12 and March 16, 2010. The series was proposed by Bruce McCulloch during a 2008 comedy tour and developed into a dark-comedy murder mystery. Inspiration for the series came in part from the British comedy series The League of Gentlemen.
The mayor of Shuckton, Ontario (population 27,063) is murdered several hours after announcing that the town's bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics was rejected. A small-time criminal, Crim, is found with blood on him and is put on trial for the murder. However, Ricky suspects the real murderer is still at large and, with the help of his friend Marnie, he investigates the crime. Meanwhile, the mayor's widow takes over mayoral duties.