The Glory is a South Korean streaming television series written by Kim Eun-sook and directed by Ahn Gil-ho for Netflix. The first part was released on December 30, 2022, and the second part premiered on March 10, 2023, both to critical acclaim and viewership success. It received eight nominations at the 59th Baeksang Arts Awards, winning three – Best Drama, Best Actress for Song Hye-kyo, and Best Supporting Actress for Lim Ji-yeon. Some scenes are based on a true event in 2006 when a group of middle schoolers extorted money from their classmate for about a month, repeatedly beating and burning her using objects in the process.
Some scenes are based on a true event in 2006 when a group of middle schoolers from Cheongju, South Korea, extorted money from their classmate for about a month, repeatedly beating and burning her using objects in the process.