The Avengers is a British espionage television series, created in 1961, that ran for 161 episodes until 1969. It initially focused on David Keel (Ian Hendry), aided by John Steed (Patrick Macnee) Steed then became the main character, partnered with a succession of assistants. The Avengers was ranked No. 17 and No. 20 on TV Guide's Top Cult Shows Ever.
ABC Weekend TV produced a single series of Police Surgeon, in which Ian Hendry played police surgeon Geoffrey Brent, from September through December 1960. ABC Television cast Hendry in its new series The Avengers in January 1961. Patrick Macnee was the only constant in the series, John Steed, played by Hendry. Only three complete Series 1 episodes are known to exist and are held in archives as 16-mm film telerecordings.