Teenage Euthanasia is an adult animated sitcom created by Alyson Levy and Alissa Nutting for Cartoon Network's nighttime programming block Adult Swim. The series stars Maria Bamford, Jo Firestone, Tim Robinson and Bebe Neuwirth. In the near future, Trophy Fantasy is a teenage mother who left her baby daughter in the custody of her undertaker mother Baba and her half-brother Pete at their funeral home Tender Endings in Fort Gator, Florida. Trophy revives as a sentient zombie with paranormal abilities and the use of crotch beetles.
Trophy Fantasy is a teenage mother who left her baby daughter Euthanasia "Annie" Fantasy in the custody of her undertaker mother Baba and her half-brother Pete at their funeral home Tender Endings in Fort Gator, Florida. After a devastating divorce from her husband and death from an overdose 15 years later, Trophy's corpse is delivered to her daughter as her written demand to those who found her dead.