Tales of the Jedi is an American animated anthology miniseries created by Dave Filoni. It is part of the Star Wars franchise, exploring different Jedi characters from the prequel trilogy era. The series was produced by Lucasfilm Animation, with Charles Murray as head writer and Filoni as supervising director. Ashley Eckstein, Corey Burton, Janina Gavankar, Micheál Richardson, TC Carson, Ian McDiarmid, Liam Neeson, Bryce Dallas Howard, Clancy Brown, Matt Lanter, James Arnold Taylor, Dee Bradley Baker provide voices for the series. The six episodes are split into two "paths", one following Ahsoka Tano and the other depicting Count Dooku.
Tales of the Jedi tells a short story featuring Jedi from the Star Wars prequel trilogy era. The six episodes are split into two "paths"; the first follows Ahsoka Tano across various points in her life. The other depicts a young Count Dooku before his fall to the dark side of the Force.