The series is based on the comic book series created by Jeff Lemire and published by DC Comics' Vertigo imprint. It is set in a world in which a virus has killed a majority of the world's human population, coinciding with the emergence of hybrid babies that are born with animal characteristics. The series has received twenty nominations across its first two seasons at the Children's and Family Emmy Awards, winning four.
Ten years ago in "The Great Crumble", society collapsed due to a viral pandemic of a disease known as the Sick. Many babies start to be born as mute hybrids with animal body parts and other characteristics. Many humans fear and hunt hybrids. Gus, a part-deer hybrid, lives in the wilderness with his father whom he calls Pubba. Pubba dies when Gus is nine years old and Gus discovers a box his father buried beneath a tree that contains what Gus believes is a photograph of his mother.