Succession is an American satirical black comedy-drama television series. It aired for four seasons on HBO from June 3, 2018, to May 28, 2023. The series centers on the Roy family, the owners of global media and entertainment conglomerate Waystar RoyCo. Brian Cox portrays the family patriarch Logan Roy. His children are played by Alan Ruck as Connor, Jeremy Strong as Kendall, Kieran Culkin as Roman, and Sarah Snook as Shiv. Matthew Macfadyen as Tom Wambsgans, Shiv's husband and Waystar executive; Nicholas Braun as Logan's grandnephew also employed by the company.
Succession follows the Roy family, which owns the New York City-based global media conglomerate Waystar RoyCo. The family patriarch, Logan Roy, has experienced a decline in health. His four children begin to prepare for a future without their father.