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When does Smiling Friends return?

Smiling Friends originally aired on Adult Swim
Adult Swim is an adult animated television series created by Zach Hadel and Michael Cusack for Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. The series follows the misadventures of Charlie Dompler and Pim Pimling, two employees of a small charitable company dedicated to spreading happiness. The pilot episode aired April 1, 2020, unannounced as part of Adult Swim's annual April Fools' Day event. The first season of the series premiered on January 10, 2022, with Adult Swim airing all episodes of the season, except for the special, in one night despite initial plans for a weekly release.
The series follows the misadventures and shenanigans of Charlie Dompler and Pim Pimling, two employees of the Smiling Friends. They are sometimes assisted by their coworkers, Allan and Glep, and their supervisor.
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Where to watch Smiling Friends: