originally aired on The CW
Reign premiered on October 17, 2013, on The CW and concluded after four seasons on June 16, 2017. Set in the late 16th century, the series revolves around the life of Mary, Queen of Scots, and her rise to power in the French court. The first season opens in 1557, with fifteen-year-old Mary Stuart living in a convent in France. The second season opens after the death of King Henry II and follows the rise of Francis and Mary as King and Queen of France and Scotland.
The first season opens in 1557, with fifteen-year-old Queen Mary Stuart living in a convent in France. The second season opens after the death of King Henry II and follows the rise of Francis and Mary as King and Queen of France and Scotland. The series also introduces the court of Queen Elizabeth I of England, who plots against her own distant cousin.