Pup Academy is a television series that premiered on Disney Channel in the United States and on TVOntario in Canada on August 26, 2019. The series stars Don Lake, Christian Convery, Aria Birch, Gabrielle Miller, Riley O'Donnell, Chance Hurstfield, Dylan Schombing, and Brian George. Charlie is a man who has established a secret academy for puppies in a parallel world where they are educated on how to become dogs. Charlie enlists him to help educate the puppies, Spark, Corazon, and Whiz at the time when the bond between human and canine that is powered by the Canis Primus constellation starts to fade.
Charlie is a man who has established a secret academy for puppies in a parallel world where they are educated on how to become dogs. His grandson, Morgan moves into his neighborhood and he enlists him to help educate the puppies, Spark, Corazon, and Whiz. This ties into a prophecy involving a boy and a stray puppy in which the Dean of Graduates has to find that special stray, save Pup Academy, and restore the bond between humans and canines.