Prodigal Son
originally aired on FOX
Prodigal Son is an American procedural drama television series that premiered on September 23, 2019 and concluded on May 18, 2021. The series centers on Malcolm Bright whose father Martin Whitly is an infamous serial killer known as "the Surgeon". Malcolm discovered what his father was doing when still a child and alerted the police, who finally caught Martin. By the time of the show, Malcolm has cut all ties with his father, changed his name, and has not seen him for ten years. He is forced to confront his father when a copycat serial killer emerges.
The series centers on Malcolm Bright whose father Martin Whitly is an infamous serial killer known as "the Surgeon". Malcolm discovered what his father was doing when still a child and alerted the police. By the time of the show, Malcolm has cut all ties with his father, changed his name, and has not seen him for ten years.