Pennyworth, marketed as Pennyworth: The Origin of Batman's Butler for its third season, is an American television series that premiered on July 28, 2019, on Epix, based on DC Comics' Batman character of the same name. The series explores the early life of the titular Wayne family butler, Alfred Pennyworth. Jack Bannon plays a younger version of the iteration of the character previously portrayed by Sean Pertwee in the Fox series Gotham. Ben Aldridge, Hainsley Lloyd Bennett, Ryan Fletcher, Dorothy Atkinson, Emma Paetz, Paloma Faith, Polly Walker, and Jason Flemyng also star.
Pennyworth explores the early life of the titular Wayne family butler, Alfred Pennyworth, a former British soldier of the Special Air Service (SAS) years before the events of Gotham. He forms his own security company in an alternate history London, which combines aspects of the mid-1960s with invented events and practices inspired by V for Vendetta. In the first two seasons, Alfred becomes a target of the fascist Raven Society.