Out of Control is an American sketch comedy television series created by Bob Hughes for Nickelodeon. Hosted by Dave Coulier, it centers on the production of a fictional news program. The series ran for a single season of 26 episodes from 1984 to 1985, with reruns continuing until 1993. Guest stars included Bill Bixby (from The Incredible Hulk, Against the Odds), Fred Newman, Bruce Baum (playing a fraud who collected clothing of celebrities), Joel Hodgson (playing an inept magician), and Dennis Miller (a man trying to survive in the desert)
The series focuses on the production of a news program called Out of Control. Guest stars included Bill Bixby, Bruce Baum and Joel Hodgson. Patrick "The Stick" Varnell, best known for the slasher comedy film Student Bodies, made a cameo appearance.