Ni Hao, Kai-Lan is an American animated children's television series produced by Nickelodeon Animation Studio. It began as a series of three interstitial shorts on Nick Jr. called Downward Doghouse. The first full episode was initially set to premiere on October 22, 2007, but was delayed to February 7, 2008, coinciding with Chinese New Year. This series was released on Paramount+ (at the time CBS All Access) on January 19, 2021.
The series follows the adventures of Kai-Lan and her group of talking anthropomorphic animal companions. The group consists of Rintoo, a yellow 6-year-old Bengal tiger, Tolee, a gray koala; Lulu, a light pink rhinoceros; and Hoho, a white 3-year old monkey. Each episode is based around a series of events that occur, along with obstacles that she and her friends must overcome.