My Babysitter's a Vampire is a Canadian television series based on the 2010 television film of the same name. The series follows the supernatural adventures of Ethan Morgan (Matthew Knight), a geeky freshman and Seer who has visions from contact with the paranormal, his best friend Benny (Atticus Mitchell) and his younger sister's babysitter Sarah (Vanessa Morgan) are vampires. A second season was confirmed to start production in September 2011 and it first premiered on Disney Channel on June 29, 2012, and it premiered on Teletoon September 6, 2012.
The series follows the supernatural adventures of Ethan Morgan (Matthew Knight), a geeky freshman and Seer who has visions from contact with the paranormal. His best friend Benny (Atticus Mitchell), who is a spellmaster, and his younger sister's babysitter Sarah (Vanessa Morgan) are often aided by Rory (Cameron Kennedy) and Erica (Kate Todd)