Murder One
originally aired on ABC
Murder One is an American legal drama television series that aired on ABC in the United States from September 19, 1995, until May 29, 1997. The series was created by Steven Bochco, Charles H. Eglee, and Channing Gibson. The first season of the series revolved around a single high-profile criminal case. TV Guide ranked the first episode, "Chapter 1", #60 on its list of the 100 Greatest Episodes in television history.
The series starred Daniel Benzali as defense attorney Theodore (Ted) Hoffman, a criminal litigator and the principal of his own firm, Hoffman and Associates. The first season of the series revolved around a single high-profile criminal case. In the second season, Benzali was replaced by Anthony LaPaglia as Jimmy Wyler, a former assistant district attorney who took over Hoffman's firm. The series was dropped at the end of the '96–'97 season.