Modern Family
originally aired on ABC
Modern Family is an American sitcom television series. It aired for eleven seasons and 250 episodes, from September 23, 2009 to April 8, 2020. It follows the lives of three diverse family set-ups living in suburban Los Angeles. The series won 22 Emmy Awards, including five for Outstanding Comedy Series.
Modern Family revolves around three different types of families (nuclear, blended, and same-sex) living in suburban Los Angeles, who are interrelated through wealthy businessman Jay Pritchett and his two children, Claire and Mitchell. Jay remarried a much younger woman, Gloria Delgado, a passionate Colombian immigrant with whom he has a young son, Fulgencio “Joe” Joseph, and a stepson from Gloria's previous marriage, Manuel "Manny" Delgado. Jay and Gloria's respective former spouses, DeDe and Javier, both also make occasional appearances in the show.