Mirzapur is an Indian action crime thriller streaming television series created for Amazon Prime Video. The story follows Akhandanand “Kaleen’s” Tripathi, a crime boss and businessman. The main cast features Pankaj Tripathi and Ali Fazal. The first season of the series was released on 16 November 2018. The second season retains the principal cast from the first season, excluding Massey and Pilgaonkar, with new cast consisting of Vijay Varma, Isha Talwar, Lilliput, Anjum Sharma, Priyanshu Painyuli and Neha Sargam.
Akhandanand Tripathi is a millionaire carpet exporter and the crime boss of Mirzapur. His son Munna is an unworthy, power-hungry heir who will stop at nothing to inherit his father's legacy. An incident at a wedding procession forces him to cross paths with Ramakant Pandit and his sons Guddu and Bablu.