Mike Tyson Mysteries
originally aired on Adult Swim
Mike Tyson Mysteries is an American adult animated television series. It premiered on Cartoon Network's nighttime programming block Adult Swim in October 2014. The show follows the fictional misadventures of boxer/actor Mike Tyson, the ghost of the Marquess of Queensberry, Tyson's adopted daughter, and a talking pigeon. The style of the show borrows heavily from the 1983–86 Ruby-Spears production, Mister T, featuring actor/wrestler Mister T as himself.
The show follows the fictional misadventures of boxer/actor Mike Tyson, the ghost of the Marquess of Queensberry, Tyson's adopted daughter, and an alcoholic talking pigeon, as they solve mysteries around the world. The style of the show borrows heavily from the 1983–86 Ruby-Spears produced Mister T, featuring actor/wrestler Laurence Tureaud as himself.