Malcolm in the Middle
is a sitcom The series premiered on January 9, 2000, and ended on May 14, 2006, after seven seasons consisting of 151 episodes. It has won a Peabody Award, seven Emmy Awards, one Grammy Award and seven Golden Globe nominations. The show was influential as one of the first single-camera comedy series on TV without a live studio audience or laugh track. A four-episode revival is being produced for Disney+.
The series revolves around a boy named Malcolm (Frankie Muniz) who is a genius with an IQ of 165. He is the third-born child in a comically dysfunctional family of four (later five) boys, of Lois (Jane Kaczmarek) and Hal (Bryan Cranston) The show's early seasons centered on Malcolm dealing with the rigors of being an intellectual and enduring the eccentricities of family life. Later seasons expanded the show's scope by exploring the family's interactions with their extended family, friends and colleagues.