originally aired on HBO
Looking is an American comedy-drama television series which ran on HBO from January 19, 2014, to July 23, 2016. It stars Jonathan Groff, Frankie J. Alvarez, Murray Bartlett, Lauren Weedman, Russell Tovey, and Raúl Castillo. The show follows the experiences of Patrick, Agustín, and Dom, three gay friends who live and work in modern-day San Francisco. It was the network's first series centered on the lives of gay men. The low ratings led to the show's cancellation after its second season. HBO ordered a one-time television film, Looking: The Movie, to serve as the series' finale.
The three men navigate life, relationships, family, and careers in modern-day San Francisco. Patrick Murray, a 29-year-old video game designer, lives in San Francisco with his friends. Patrick has a tendency to be naïve and has been generally unlucky in love.