The series centers on the Hills, an American family who live in the fictional city of Arlen, Texas. The show's realistic approach seeks humor in the conventional and mundane aspects of everyday life. It was named by Time magazine in its 2007 list of "The 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time" The show became one of Fox's longest-running series, with a total of 259 episodes over the course of its 13 seasons.
The show centers on the Hill family, headed by the ever-responsible, calm, hard-working, loyal, disciplined, and honest propane and propane accessory salesman Hank Hill. The punning title refers to Hank as the head of the family as well as metaphorically to the children's game King of the Hill. Hank typically serves as the de facto leader for his friends and family. Hank has a strained relationship with his mother, Tilly, a kind woman who lives in Arizona.