JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
originally aired on Adult Swim
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is an adaptation of the Japanese manga series of the same name. The first season, adapting the first two parts, Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency, aired in Japan between October 2012 and April 2013. A second season adapting the manga's third part, Stardust Crusaders, aired between April and September 2014, with a second part airing between January and June 2015. A third season covering the fourth part, Diamond Is Unbreakable, aired from April to December 2016. A fifth season covering sixth part, Stone Ocean, was released worldwide on Netflix from December 2021 to December 2022.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure tells the story of the Joestar family, a family whose members discover they are destined to take down supernatural foes using powers that they possess. The story is split up into unique parts, each following a member of the family.