Johnny Bravo is an American animated comedy television series. It is the second of Cartoon Network's Cartoon Cartoons, which aired from July 14, 1997, to August 27, 2004. The titular Johnny Bravo (voiced by Jeff Bennett), who is loosely based on Elvis Presley and James Dean, is a sunglasses-wearing, muscular, conceited narcissist. The series helped launch the careers of several animators, including Seth MacFarlane.
The series centers on Johnny Bravo, a sunglasses-wearing, conceited narcissist and dimwitted narcissist. Many Hanna-Barbera characters had cameo appearances in the series, including the cast of Scooby-Doo, Speed Buggy, Jabberjaw, Fred Flintstone, Yogi Bear, The Blue Falcon, Black Widow and Huckleberry Hound.