Hoppity Hooper
originally aired on ABC
Hoppity Hooper is an American animated television series. It was produced by Jay Ward and produced by Bill Scott, with animation done in Mexico City by Gamma Productions. The stories revolved around the three main characters, who lived in Foggy Bog, Wisconsin, seeking their fortune together through different jobs or schemes, usually ending in misadventure. Each story consisted of four short cartoons, one aired at the beginning and end of each episode, with the four-part story shown over two consecutive episodes.
The main characters were Hoppity Hooper, a plucky frog, voiced by Chris Allen, Waldo P. Wigglesworth, a patent medicine-hawking fox and Fillmore. The stories revolved around the three main characters, who lived in Foggy Bog, Wisconsin, seeking their fortune together through different jobs or schemes. Interspersed were recycled second features from Peabody's Improbable History, Fractured Fairy Tales, Aesop and Son and The World of Commander McBragg.