Hilda is an animated streaming television series based on the graphic novel series of the same name by Luke Pearson. The series debuted on September 21, 2018, as a Netflix miniseries to critical acclaim. The show won Annie Awards for "Best Children's Series" twice in two years and Emmy Awards. A film titled Hilda and the Mountain King premiered on Netflix on December 30, 2021.
Hilda is a young girl who grew up with her mother Johanna in a small cabin near the walled-in city of Trolberg, between the late 1980s and the mid-1990s. Hilda and Johanna soon move permanently to the city for a better life and to give Hilda a proper upbringing. Over the course of the series, she and her deerfox[a] Twig, later accompanied by an elf named Alfur, and best friends Frida and David, go on a number of adventures.