Harley Quinn is an adult animated dark comedy television series based on the DC Comics character of the same name. The series follows Harley Quinn's misadventures and journey of self-discovery after breaking up with the Joker. The show premiered on DC Universe to critical acclaim on November 29, 2019, with critics praising its animation, humor, dark tone, voice acting, and portrayal of the titular protagonist. A standalone 44-minute special episode, titled "A Very Problematic Valentine's Day Special", premiered on February 9, 2023.
The series follows Harley Quinn's misadventures and journey of self-discovery after breaking up with the Joker. The first season focuses on Harley's attempts to prove herself as a competent villain in order to join the Legion of Doom. In the second season, Gotham has become a no man's land, allowing the newly formed Injustice League to take over the city's ruins. Meanwhile, both the Joker and Batman are revealed to be alive; albeit with no memory of his old self, and the latter unable to fight crime due to his injuries.