The series focuses on the relationship between single father Goofy and his son, Max, as well as their neighbor Pete and their family. The main series of 65 episodes aired in first-run syndication from 1992 to 1993 on The Disney Afternoon programming block, while an additional 13 episodes aired on Saturday mornings on ABC in 1992. Goof Troop was adapted into the feature film A Gooofy Movie (1995), which received mixed reviews but was a box office success. The series' premise was also incorporated into 1999's Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas and its 2004 sequel, Mickey's Twice Upon A Christmas.
Goof Troop is the creation of Michael Peraza Jr., and pitched to Disney management as a last-minute idea. Goofy, a single father, moves back to his hometown of Spoonerville with his son, Max. Max and P.J. quickly become best friends and do practically everything together.