Game Shakers is an American comedy television series that premiered on Nickelodeon on September 12, 2015. It stars Cree Cicchino, Madisyn Shipman, Benjamin "Lil' P-Nut" Flores, Jr., Thomas Kuc, and Kel Mitchell. The series revolves around two seventh graders, Babe and Kenzie, living in Brooklyn, New York, who create a video game app called "Sky Whale"
The series revolves around two seventh graders, Babe and Kenzie, who create a video game app called "Sky Whale" for their school science project. When the game proves to be wildly successful, they form a gaming company called Game Shakers. They later partner with rapper Double G, who becomes their investor as part of a compromise for their illegal use of his song, "Drop Dat What", in their game.