Fast Layne is an American comedy television series that aired on Disney Channel from February 15 to March 31, 2019. The series stars Sophie Pollono, Sofia Rosinsky, Brandon Rossel, and Winslow Fegley. Layne Reed is a brilliant girl whose parents are away so her aunt came to her house to watch over her. While working in a school campaign against her rival Jasper Marr at Cedarville Middle School, she and her friend Zora Morris stumble upon an intelligent car named VIN. When Layne gets her DNA sequenced with VIN, she becomes the car's operator.
In the town of Cedarville, Layne Reed is a brilliant girl whose parents are away so her aunt came to her house to watch over her. She and her friend Zora Morris stumble upon an intelligent car named VIN who is pursued by some people led by Kwon and Riggins. When Layne gets her DNA sequenced with VIN, she becomes the car's operator.