The series premiered on July 15, 2022, and stars Dana Snyder, Lance Reddick, Kari Wahlgren, David Kaye, Jerry Minor, Carlos Alazraqui and Grey DeLisle. The series takes place on the planet Farzar, where the son of the villainous czar Renzo (Reddick), Prince Fichael (Snyder), has been placed in charge of the S.H.A.T. Squad.
Farzar takes place on the planet Farzar, where the son of the villainous czar Renzo has been placed in charge of the S.H.A.T. Squad. The team consists of cyborg Scootie (Minor), conjoined twins Mal and Val Skullcrusher (Wahlgren), and top scientist Barry Barris (Kaye)