Evil Con Carne began as a segment on Grim & Evil, from which it was a spin-off, along with sister series The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, on August 24, 2001. The series aired as a separate series from July 11, 2003, to October 22, 2004, on Cartoon Network. An official series finale, titled "Company Halt," aired on March 16, 2007.
Hector Con Carne (Phil LaMarr) is a wealthy crime lord and evil genius bent on taking over the world and the League of Nations. He was rescued by the scientist Major Dr. Ghastly (Grey DeLisle), who placed his living remains into two containment units: one for his brain, and the other for his stomach. These two units were later installed into Boskov (Frank Welker), a purple Russian circus bear, giving Hector's brain control over (almost) all the bear's movements.