Down to Earth
originally aired on TBS
Down to Earth is an American fantasy sitcom series that ran on Superstation WTBS from March 10, 1984 to 1987. The series revolved around Ethel MacDoogan, a free-spirited woman who lived the "Roaring 1920s" era. Ethel waits in Heaven for a chance to earn her wings, until finally she is sent to earth in the 1980s to help the Preston family. The show's central characters were jointly created, and the core format was jointly developed, by Sam Harris.
The series revolved around Ethel MacDoogan, a free-spirited woman who lived the "Roaring 1920s" era. In 1925 she suffered a fatal accident, colliding with a trolley. Ethel waits in Heaven for 60 years for a chance to earn her wings, until finally she is sent to earth in the 1980s.