Doctor Who is the longest-running science-fiction television series in the world. The series depicts the adventures of an extraterrestrial being called the Doctor, part of a humanoid species called Time Lords. The Doctor travels in the universe and in time using a time travelling spaceship called the TARDIS, which externally appears as a British police box. As of 2024, Ncuti Gatwa leads the series as the Fifteenth Doctor, the first black actor to headline the series.
The Doctor is a rogue Time Lord with somewhat unknown origins who goes by the name "the Doctor" The Doctor fled Gallifrey, the planet of the Time Lords, in a stolen TARDIS ("Time and Relative Dimension(s) in Space"), a time machine that travels by materialising into, and dematerialising out of, the time vortex. The Doctor rarely travels alone and is often joined by one or more companions on these adventures.