Doug is an American animated series and sitcom created by Jim Jinkins. It originally aired from August 11, 1991 to January 2, 1994 on Nickelodeon and September 7, 1996 to June 26, 1999 on ABC. The show focuses on the early adolescent life and zany hijinks of its title character, Douglas "Doug" Funnie, who experiences common predicaments while attending school in his new hometown of Bluffington. Doug narrates each story in his journal, and the show's unusual soundtrack consists largely of scat singing and mouth noises.
Bluffington is in the United States but not in any specific U.S. state. The series revolves around Doug Funnie, an 11-year-old boy who wants to be another face in the crowd. He keeps a journal, which he treats as an autobiography, as he records numerous experiences over the series.