DC Super Hero Girls is an American animated superhero television series. Based on the web series and franchise of the same name, the series premiered on March 8, 2019, with a one-hour special. The show follows the adventures of teenage versions of Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Bumblebee, Supergirl, Green Lantern, and Zatanna. Tara Strong and Nicole Sullivan reprise their roles as Batgirl and Supergirl respectively from Super Best Friends Forever. Grey Griffin, who previously voiced Wonder Girl from the DC Nation Shorts, reprises her role as Wonder Woman.
The show focuses on six female teenage superheroes with secret identities. The six girls meet at Metropolis High School and form a superhero team dubbed the "Super Hero Girls" The show tells the coming-of-age stories of the Super Hero Girls, dealing with their choices and decisions regarding their superhero identities.