originally aired on FOX
Coupled is an American dating game show that aired on Fox from May 17 to August 2, 2016. It was hosted by Terrence J and created by Mark Burnett, of Survivor, The Apprentice, Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?, Shark Tank, and The Voice, as well as Ben Newmark, Dan Newmark and Larry Barron. On August 8, 2016, Fox canceled the series after one season.
Coupled features 12 single women who are on the quest for love. Each week different men come to the Caribbean Island and meet the women. After meeting, the women have the choice to go right — saying yes to pursuing the man some more — and join him at the Tiki bar. Alternately, they can choose to go left — saying no to spending any more time with the man — and go back to the bungalow to wait for the next contestant.