originally aired on CBS
Cosby is an American television sitcom that aired on CBS from September 16, 1996, to April 28, 2000. The program starred Bill Cosby (in his final series) and Phylicia Rashad, who had previously worked together in the NBC sitcom The Cosby Show (1984–1992) Madeline Kahn portrayed their neighborly friend, Pauline, until her death in 1999. The show was adapted from the British sitcom One Foot in the Grave.
Cosby portrayed grumpy Hilton Lucas, a New York City man forced into early retirement from his job as an airline customer service agent. The show was based on the concept from the BBC series One Foot in the Grave, starring Richard Wilson and Annette Crosbie. Cosby premiered to an audience of more than 24.7 million viewers, but averaged 16 million viewers during the season.