ChalkZone is an American animated television series. It was created by Bill Burnett and Larry Huber for Nickelodeon. The series follows Rudy Tabootie, an elementary school student who discovers a box of magic chalk that allows him to draw portals into an alternate dimension. Rudy is joined in his adventures by Snap, a wisecracking superhero Rudy once drew with chalk.
Rudy Tabootie (voiced by E. G. Daily) is a 10-year-old, fifth-grade boy who loves to draw. One day while in detention, Rudy discovers a piece of chalk that allows access to the ChalkZone, a place where everything and everyone that has ever been drawn and erased by chalk takes form as living or is tangible. He soon makes friends with Snap (Candi Milo), a short, blue, humanoid drawing made by Rudy when he was only 8.