Brothers & Sisters
originally aired on ABC
Brothers & Sisters is an American family drama television series that centers on the Walker family. It aired for five seasons on ABC from September 24, 2006, to May 8, 2011. The series revolves around the lives and problems of the wealthy Walker family in the wake of the death of family patriarch William Walker.
The series revolves around the lives and problems of the Walker family in the wake of the death of family patriarch William Walker (Tom Skerritt), the founder of the family business Ojai Foods. The family consists of wife and mother Nora Walker (Sally Field) who must deal with revelations about her husband's infidelity, and her children Sarah (Rachel Griffiths) and Tommy (Balthazar Getty), Kitty (Calista Flockhart) and Kevin (Matthew Rhys), a gay lawyer, and youngest sibling Justin (Dave Annable)